不過剛好最近家裡的舊的[美國直購 ShopUSA] Bundle 皮套 Monster Kindle DX Synthetic Leather Case Cover $1489 壽終正寢!!!!~~~~~淚奔......
寶貝說他同事也有買 ,兩個禮拜下來感覺真的很不錯喔!!
所以我跟寶貝馬上googe一下,找看看有沒有[美國直購 ShopUSA] Bundle 皮套 Monster Kindle DX Synthetic Leather Case Cover $1489 推薦評比或價格比較!!

Bundle Monster Kindle DX Synthetic Leather Case Cover Jacket + Skin Sticker + Screen Protector Ebook Accessories Combo - Fits Kindle DX Device ONLY (Released July 2010)

Designed to fit the Amazon Kindle DX eBook device. WILL NOT FIT: Kindle 2, Kindle 3 (aka Kindle Keyboard), Kindle 4 (Released September 28, 2011), Kindle Touch or Kindle Fire. ***Not sure if you have the Kindle DX? Please refer to the product description for more information.
Case is made out of high quality synthetic leather.
Purposely designed for individuals who prefer a thinner and lighter design.
Style up your Kindle DX with a beautiful design skin. Skin comes with a cover for the front and back surfaces as pictured. Screen part is grey out to help you visuali2017熱門產品ze the original image. Skin fits well into most accessories and cases and leaves no sticky residue upon removal.
Expect to receive: (1) Synthetic Leather Case, Color: PINK, (1) Vinyl Skin (As viewed in the main photo), (1) Screen Protector for the Amazon Kindle DX ereader. NOTE: Due to differences between monitor displays, actual color may vary slightly from image.
Product Dimensions: 10.6 x 7.7 x 0.7 inches ; 13 ounces
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds
Product Description
This monster bundle deal includes: (1) Synthetic Leather Case, Color: PINK, (1) Vinyl Skin (As viewed in the main photo), (1) Screen Protector for the Amazon Kindle DX ereader. ABOUT THE COVER: Designed to fit the Amazon Kindle DX ereader device only. The exterior surface presents a leather-like textured finish. This cover features a thinner design, but still protects your Kindle DX from scratches and abrasions. Your device is securely fastened by 4 corner straps and is held close with an outside magnetic clasp. Inside the case includes compartments that you can use to hold various materials such as credit cards, id, and receipts. Color: Pink, Weight: About 8.7 oz., Dimensions: 26.9cm x 19.5cm x 1.7cm (10.6' x 7.7' x .7'). ABOUT THE SKIN: Style up your Kindle DX with a beautiful design. Skins are made up of a superb vinyl material that is environmental friendly. With the skin decal on your device - it fits well into most accessories and cases and leaves no sticky residue upon removal. The installation is simple and does not come with instructions - the skin design is pre-perforated and requires no trimming. TIP for putting on skin design: First align accurately and then slowly apply from one edge to the opposite side, eliminating minimal amount of bubbles when necessary. NOTE: Due to differences between monitor displays, actual color may vary slightly from image. This combo WILL NOT FIT: Kindle 2, Kindle 3 (aka Kindle Keyboard), Kindle 4 (Released September 28, 2011), Kindle Touch or Kindle Fire. ***INFORMATION ON THE KINDLE DX: Release Date: July 2010, Dimensions - 10.4' x 7.2' (length/width), 9.7' Black and White Screen, Built-In Keyboard.


[美國直購 ShopUSA] Bundle 皮套 Monster Kindle DX Synthetic Leather Case Cover $1489 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
由好萊塢動作巨星傑森史塔森(Jason Statham),在新片《夜刑者》(Redemption)中飾演前特種部隊成員,不僅在一開場就犧牲色相,更為了揣摩戲中飾演的複雜角色而化身流浪漢。
《夜》片由初執導筒的奧斯卡入圍編劇史蒂芬奈特(Steven Knight)擔任導演,傑森在開拍前與他一起實際走訪許多英國流浪漢之家,才發現其實百分之十的流浪漢都是來自退伍軍人,讓他相當震驚。
至於夜店、助性常見,用吸的揮發性亞硝酸鹽類(nitrites),則是檢出的第二大宗,去年送檢32件通通檢出亞硝酸異戊酯(Isoamyl nitrite)、亞硝酸異丁酯(Isobutyl nitrite)或亞硝酸異丙酯(Isopropyl nitrite)等成分,檢出率高達100%。
人行道地板竟這樣做 網友驚:作弊啊
吸引男人的5種特質 第三種很「舒服」
神隱8個月 乙武洋匡宣告重回政壇!
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